Rocus Microblog

Mar 2015

Jack of all trades

Photo by Nico Smit on Unsplash

Today, our society tends to move more and more towards specialization. You can buy everything prefabricated, and you are supposed to hyper-specialize in your job.

When it comes to your life, you should really consider if this makes sense for you.

Here are some examples, what we do on our own. Many examples are mundane — but that is just fine, considering that many people cannot boil an egg, without a special appliance.

We are chefs

Every morning, we stand in our kitchen and prepare a meal tailored exactly to our taste. Additionally, we have complete control over all the ingredients - which is great since we both are on a special diet.

It’s cheaper and healthier than to buy a meal every day — and best of all, cooking is a skill, and we are getting better and better.

We are barbers

Jupp. It probably doesn’t look great, but this saves money and is relatively simple to learn.

For the ladies, this is probably a bigger challenge — but it should save you gals even more money.

We are farmers

We have a little garden and are starting to grow our food. I won’t argue that this is cheaper in every case — it isn’t — but It’s great to do it.

We build furniture

Some of our furniture is hand-made by us. You really don’t have to buy every piece of furniture. It’s wonderful to have some pieces custom-made by you.

We repair our devices

If a device is broken, we try to fix it. Occasionally this is beyond us — but often it works.

What has this to do with early retirement?

My point is — you don’t have to buy everything. Use your money and save money to build the skills you want. You don’t have to be perfect.

This is very rewarding.

As a retiree you will probably be very happy to be into knitting and soldering or to have acquired other new skills.