Rocus Microblog
About me
Books read
Apr 2015
The magic of small steps
I discovered the secret how you can achieve your goals. A secret that can change your life. Forever. When we look at peo...
Apr 2015
Multiple use
Today, many products have only one use. Waffle irons, rice cookers, fondue sets, popcorn makers, toasters… While many of...
Apr 2015
Getting rid of ads
I do not read advertisements. I would spend all of my time wanting things. Franz Kafka Often I feel bad after watching...
Mar 2015
Saving for a rainy day
Photo by Linas Drulia on Unsplash How often do you get surprised by live and are not prepared? How often do you use your...
Mar 2015
Jack of all trades
Photo by Nico Smit on Unsplash Today, our society tends to move more and more towards specialization. You can buy everyt...
Mar 2015
Living a good life with less money: Books
Photo by Shir omani Kant on Unsplash I love reading. When I was young, my parents heavily subsidized my book purchases. ...
Dec 2014
Life: Glorios improvisational theatre. Out now! Lean back and enjoy!
Nov 2014
A world without time
Imagine there were no days, no hours and no seconds. And no time. How would you feel about problems in the future? How w...
Feb 2014
Reminders to myself: Change what you can change
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to ...
May 2013
A short primer on Pair Programming
When I started to pair-programm I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I sat next to another programmer and we start...
Jan 2013
Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?
I just finished reading Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? by Seth Godin 📚. The book really strikes a chord with me. Essen...
Jan 2013
How to manage and share your dotfiles using homesick
Castle 11 from Bill Ward’s Brickpile. (CC BY 2.0) Since quite a while, I try to find a good solution for sharing m...
Sep 2012
Script to disable internet connectivity for Mac OS X
From time to time, I really want to make it hard for me to seek for distractions. I found myself using the nice Mac OS X...
Sep 2012
Lessons from the prime factorization dojo
Last week, my colleagues at, and I had our second Coding Dojo. I learned an important lesson — even though...
Sep 2012
Ruby Tapas
I am quite excited about Avdi Grimm’s new project Ruby Tapas. Three times a week, Avdi post short videos about dif...
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